Project Nr: 2021-1-NO01-KA220-ADU-000026860
P.I.A. aims to introduce the profile of the Peer Support Worker in dementia care, through the involvement of (former) informal carers of people with dementia.
– Norway – KBT Vocational School – WWW.KBTFAGSKOLE.NO
– Greece- Alzheimer Hellas – WWW.ALZHEIMER-HELLAS.GR
– Romania- Habilitas – WWW.HABILITAS.RO
– Italy- Anziani e Non Solo – WWW.ANZIANIENONSOLO.IT
– Romania – Asociatia Afect
In recent years, Peer Support Workers have been employed in the health and welfare services as a resource to promote the user perspective, strengthen the recovery orientation and better tailor the services to the needs of the users.
PIA project aims is to promote the values and measures for a better life for people with dementia and how to create participation and co-production between service providers and families of service receivers. This requires education, training and change of attitudes amongst informal carers, professionals and policymakers.
The project will adress this needs through sharing of competence and capacity building in education and training for peer workers in dementia.
The aim of the project is to help create sustainable and competency enhancing services for people with dementia by finding new ways to involve users and their informal carers in service development.
The project is also going to help to reduce the shame, stigma, and taboo associated with dementia so that people affected can seek help in an earlier phase of the illness.
PIA will create a digital platform that facilitates networking in participant countries to address dementia challenges and policy gap implications, and urge engagement with broader frames of reference as a potential for enabling bolder and better dementia care models.
– Training materials and methodology- Development of dedicated training resources for Peer Support Workers in dementia care.
– Guidelines for involving and empowering Peer Support Workers. Development of digital platform for communication and collaboration. Create a network for sharing of experience and knowled
– Strategies for increased involvement of informal carers in delivery and designing of home-based dementia care – advocacy.