Open educational resources for a new model of long-term care at nursing homes, based on dignity and wellbeing of the elderly.
Project number: 2017-1-ES01-KA202-037853
Duration: From 10/01/2017 to 09/30/2019
Link to project website:
The Europe 2020 Strategy recognizes that “the number of people over the age of 60 is increasing twice as fast as it was before 2007, that is to say around 2 million a year instead of 1 million previously.
The nursing home sector (NACE Code: Q.87 Residential care activities) assumes new responsibilities that transcend its traditional role of caring for the elderly and are oriented towards greater action in the area of dependency prevention.
For years there has been a debate about the lack of adequacy of the services and services of those who need long-term care.
Currently, all stakeholders involved in the sector agree that it is necessary to redefine the model of care for the elderly, since these require attention and support of different types and intensity.
Older people aspire to continue their own life projects according to their preferences, for which they demand the right not only to treat their illness, but also to reduce their dependency, to promote their personal autonomy and to include the active life. This right has been recognized in the regulations of all European countries.
The New-Care project aims to develop a group of open educational resources addressed to the new professional profile.
The specific objectives are:
To define an international training curriculum for the New Professional profile.
- To design educational contents and training materials for the CPCC model for initial and permanent training.
- To develop Educational Contents and training materials about: “How to use open educational resources in the application of the CPCC model? It will be addressed to teachers/trainers of this sector.
- To carry out a multilingual educational kit, compatible with mobile devices, for the new professional profile.
- To test all educational resources through a pilot e-learning course in each participant country.
All materials will be freely accessible and will be use under Creative Commons license.
- Phase 1. Identification of an educational curriculum based on competences and learning outcomes for the application of the CPCC model. Oct-17; March-18.
- Phase 2. Definition of educational contents and educational resources for the development of the CPCC model. April-18; March-19.
- Phase 3. Development of an educational toolkit. April-19; Sept-19.
- Educational CV for a Comprehensive person-centred care model (CPCC).
- Training materials for the Professional of reference in nursing homes for the application of the CPCC model.
- Educational toolkit Multilingual according to the sector needs.
- Seminar 1: Open educational resources for the application of the Comprehensive Person-Centred Care model.
- Seminar 2. Dissemination of the results.
Asociación Edad Dorada Mensajeros de la Paz C-LM y Galicia,Spain. The Association is aimed at supporting the human and social development of disadvantaged groups. 11,700olderpeoplewerecareinournursinghomesin2016.
Business Foundation for Education.BFE.Bulgaria. Association dedicated to support socio-economic development for the competitiveness of the regions in the EU.
Asociatia Habilitas -Centru de Resurse si Formare Profesionala.Romania.Association for the development and improvement of adult education.They are involved in INPEA, International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse.
SOSU Oestjylland. It is an important vocational training centre in social and health care area of Denmark.
CIAPE.Italian Centre per L’apprendimento Permanente.Specialized in the development of training content for different sectors. Italy
The project results are addressed to:
VET Teachers and trainers, students, professionals andworkers of the long term care sector.