An Erasmus + project funded by the European Commission
Project Number: 2019-1-ES01-KA202-065659
Duration: 24 months From 1/10/2019 to 28/02/2022
Dementia is one of the major causes of disability and dependency among older people worldwide. One of the main problems in long-term care services is the lack of knowledge of professionals and direct care staff on symptoms of dementia, changes at the physiological, cognitive and behavioral levels and interventions in activities of daily living.
In all the European countries, stakeholders of the long-term care sector have developed educational solutions for training caregivers on knowledge, skills and competences about symptoms and performance in activities of daily living with people with dementia.
AppforDem is aimed at creating a set of open educational and multilingual resources on dementia, with the purpose of implementing these resources in the national VET programmes for apprentices and professional caregivers in long-term care services (LTC).
- To define a methodological framework, based on a training curriculum about “Symptoms and interventions for people with dementia” at EQF level 4.
- To develop a set of contents and materials on symptoms and interventions for people with dementia.
- To create and test a multilingual educational APP and a multilingual e-learning course about Dementia.
- To propose the decision makers in the field of education the implementation of these resources in vocational training programs at national level.
- Caregivers, basic care staff, nurses, and professionals in the long-term care services
- Trainers and teachers in care educations
- Students at care educations
- Decision makers
The project will elaborate the following products:
- A proposal for an international training CV about “Symptoms and interventions people with dementia”.
- Learning content for caregiver of people with dementia.
- Educational app available for free in GooglePlayStore (Android) and/or AppleStore (iOS).
- E-learning course available in
AsociaciónEdadDoradaMensajeros de la Paz C-LM y Galicia. The Association is an important Spanish NGO created in 1962 to help disadvantaged groups through humanitarian attention, support, rehabilitation, treatment and social promotion.
AsociatiaHabilitas – Centru de ResursesiFormareProfesionala. Romania.
SOSU Oestjylland is the second largest social and health care college in Denmark. They provide different educational programs for social and health care institutions for elderly and disabled people and for hospitals and psychiatry.
Anziani e non solo (Italy) is a NGO working since 2004 in the field of social innovation, with a specific focus on management of projects and realization of services and products in the field of welfare and social inclusion
AppForDem has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.