Training online – Project Erasmus + ParentBank
On 13th November, the ParentBank partnership had a training with [...]
On 13th November, the ParentBank partnership had a training with [...]
The second international meeting of the AppForDem project (educational app [...]
On 17th September took place the final conference on BEOLD [...]
Between 08 - 11.09.2019, Asociatia Habilitas – CRFP team, participated [...]
Asociatia Habilitas and Asociatia Pro Vobis (Romania), Anziani e non [...]
The Erasmus+ funded “Two Moons” programme is pleased to launch its new website platform The web platform will support the delivery of the 2-year pan-European initiative aimed at improving older people’s knowledge of their human rights as protected under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (CRPD); and by so doing empower them to safeguard their well-being. The process involves older people, social care professionals and community members in a collaborative creative process, providing older people with an opportunity to share their stories in print, audio and through documentary theatre.
September, October and November were among the most beautiful and [...]
Workers 55+ need a quiet work environment, recognition oftheir value [...]
Erasmus+ transnational mobilities help young people to pursue stimulating opportunities [...]